Joe was one of the first people to express an interest in Ashes To Ashes, years before filming began. He offered the services of his company, Outpost Film Center, an offer most enthusiastically accepted. At the time, it didn't seem possible for Ashes' meager budget to afford a professional editor like Joe, but he bent over backwards to make it happen. The swift, tightly paced results are a testament to his abilities and dedication.

From the Outpost website, here's a bit more about Joe Bini:
In the past two years, Bini has edited four films with acclaimed director Werner Herzog. "Little Dieter Needs to Fly," their first film together, won the International Documentary Society's Film of the Year Award and was nominated for an Emmy. The recently completed, "My Best Fiend: Klaus Kinski" premiered at this year's Cannes Film Festival and is set for worldwide release this fall.

The crew:
Producer : Shimmy Brandes
Director : Mike Stamm
Writer : Shane Simmons
Director of Photography : Matt Uhry
Production Designer : Matt Evans
Editor : Joe Bini
Composer : Mark De Gli Antoni